Vielbeachtete Trump-Rede: „Wir alle sind vereint im Glauben an unseren Schöpfer“

Donald Trump’s National Prayer Breakfast speech

Von Rosemarie Frühauf2. February 2017 Aktualisiert: 5. Februar 2017 13:41

Er will universelle Werte und Glaubensfreiheit gegen Terror und andere „vielseitige“ Bedrohungen verteidigen: US-Präsident Trump hat heute Morgen eine vielbeachtete Rede gehalten.

Hier die wichtigsten Passagen:

„Amerika ist eine Nation der Gläubigen. In Städten überall in unserem Land ist das zu sehen, was wir so leicht vergessen: Dass unsere Lebensqualität nicht von materiellen Erfolg definiert wird, sondern vom spirituellen Erfolg. Ich sage Ihnen das aus der Perspektive eines Menschen, der materiellen Erfolg gehabt und enorm viele materiell erfolgreiche Menschen kennengelernt hat: Die materiell Allererfolgreichsten – viele von denen sind sehr, sehr elendig unglückliche Menschen.

Und ich kenne eine Menge Leute, die nichts dergleichen haben, die großartige Familien haben, großen Glauben haben, kein Geld haben – das heißt, nicht annähernd in dieser Größenordnung – und die sind glücklich. Und aus meiner Sicht sind DAS die erfolgreichen Menschen.“

„Ich hatte das Glück, in einer gläubigen Familie aufzuwachsen. Meine Mutter und mein Vater haben mich gelehrt: Wem viel gegeben wird, von dem wird auch viel erwartet.“

„Die Menschen in diesem Raum haben so viele verschiedene Hintergründe, Sie repräsentieren so viele Religionen, so viele Ansichten … aber wir alle sind vereint im Glauben an unseren Schöpfer und in der festen Überzeugung, dass wir in seinen Augen alle gleich sind. Wir sind nicht nur Fleisch, Knochen und Blut. Wir sind menschliche Wesen mit Seelen. Unserer Republik wurde gegründet auf der Überzeugung, dass Freiheit kein Geschenk einer Regierung, sondern ein Geschenk Gottes ist.“

„Jefferson hat gesagt: „Der Gott der uns das Leben gab, gab uns Freiheit.“

„Jefferson fragte: ‚Können die Freiheiten einer Nation gesichert sein, wenn wir die Überzeugung aufgegeben haben, dass diese Freiheiten das Geschenk Gottes sind?‘ Zu diesen Freiheiten gehört das Recht, seinen Glauben gemäß der eigenen Überzeugung auszuüben, und deshalb werde ich das Johnson-Amendment loswerden und völlig zerstören und unseren Glaubensrepräsentanten erlauben, frei und ohne Furcht von Vergeltung zu sprechen – das werde ich tun.“

Hintergrund: Das Johnson-Amendment war im Jahr 1954 eingeführt worden und droht Kirchen und Glaubensvereinigungen mit dem Verlust ihrer Steuerbefreiung, sollten sie für oder gegen politische Kandidaten Partei ergreifen.

Trump sagte weiter in Bezug auf IS und andere:

„Wir haben unvorstellbare Gewaltakte im Namen von Religion gesehen … Terrorismus ist eine grundlegende Gefahr für Glaubensfreiheit. Das wird gestoppt werden – dürfte eine Zeit lang nicht schön werden, aber wird gestoppt.“

„Die Glaubensfreiheit ist ein heiliges Recht, aber es ist auch ein Recht, das überall um uns herum in Gefahr ist und die Welt ist in ernsthafter, ernsthafter Gefahr in so vielerlei Hinsicht – und ich habe das niemals so sehr und so offen gesehen, wie seitdem ich das Präsidentenamt inne habe. Die Welt ist in Schwierigkeiten. Aber wir werden das gerade rücken, OK? Das ist es, was ich tue. Ich repariere Sachen … Wir werden das geraderücken.“

Weiter sagte Trump noch:

„Alle Nationen müssen sich gegen Völkermord aussprechen.“

„Wir haben gesehen, wie friedliche Muslime von ISIS-Killern brutal behandelt, zu Opfern gemacht, ermordet und unterdrückt wurden.“

„Meine Regierung wird alles in ihrer Macht stehende tun, um die Glaubensfreiheit in unserem Land zu verteidigen.“

„Amerika soll für immer eine Gesellschaft sein, in der jedem Glauben Toleranz entgegengebracht wird und in der sich jeder sicher fühlen kann.“

„Werden sicherstellen, dass Einwanderer unsere religiöse und persönliche Freiheit respektieren.“


Full transcript of Donald Trump’s National Prayer Breakfast speech


President Donald Trump delivered a speech at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C., on Thursday.

Here’s the full text:

„Thank you, Mark. So nice. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. It’s a great honor to be here this morning. So many faith leaders, very, very important people from across our magnificent nation. So many leaders from all across the globe. Today, we continue a tradition begun by President Eisenhower some 64 years ago. This gathering is a testament to the power of faith and is one of the great customs of our nation, and I hope to be here seven more times with you. 

„I want very much to thank our cochair, Sen. Boozeman and Sen. Coons and all of the congressional leadership. They’re all over the place. We have a lot of very distinguished guests, and we have one guest who was sworn in last night — Rex Tillerson, Secretary of State. Going to do a great job. Some people didn’t like Rex because he got along with leaders of the world. I said, ‚No, I think you have to understand that’s a good thing, not a bad thing.‘ He’s respected all over the world, and I think he will go down as one of our great, great secretaries. We appreciate it. Thank you, Rex.

„Thank you as well to Senate Chaplain Barry Black and his moving words. I don’t know Chaplain whether that’s an appointed position. Is that an appointed position? I don’t even know if you’re a Democrat or a Republican, but I’m appointing you for another year. To hell with it. And I think it’s not even my appointment. It’s the Senate’s appointment. But we’ll talk to them. Your son is here. Your job is very very secure, OK? Thank you, Barry. Appreciate it very much.

„I also want to thank my great friends. Roma, where’s Roma? The beautiful Roma Downey. The voice of an angel. She’s got the voice — every time I hear that voice. It’s is so beautiful. Everything is so beautiful about Roma, including her husband because he’s a special, special friend. Mark Burnett (thank you) for the wonderful introduction. So true. So true. I said to the agent, ‚I’m sorry.‘ The only thing wrong — I actually got on the phone and fired him myself because he said ‚You don’t want to do it. It’ll never work. It’ll never, ever work. You don’t want to do it.‘ 

„But I really fired him after it became the No. 1 show. It became so successful, and he wanted a commission, and he didn’t want to do the show. That’s what I really said. But we had tremendous success on ‚The Apprentice.‘ When I ran for president, I had to leave the show. That’s when I knew for sure I was doing it. They hired a big, big movie star, Arnold Schwarzenegger, to take my place. And we know how that turned out. The ratings went right down the tubes. It’s been a total disaster, and Mark will never, ever bet against Trump again. And I want to just pray for Arnold if we can for those ratings. But we’ve had an amazing life together the last 14, 15 years. An outstanding man. Thank you for introducing me. Appreciated. It’s a great honor.

„I also want to thank my dear friend, Vice President, Mike Pence. He’s been incredible and incredible wife, Karen. And every time I was in a little trouble with something where they were questioning me they’d say, ‚But he picked Mike Pence, so he has to know what he’s doing.‘ And it’s true. On a scale of 0-10, I rate him a 12. OK? So I want to thank you. Thank you very much. Appreciate it.

„But most importantly, I want to thank the American people. Your faith and prayers have sustained me and inspired me through some very, very tough times. All around America I have met amazing people whose words of worship and encouragement has a constant source of strength. What I hear most often as I travel the country are five words that never, ever fail to touch my heart. That’s ‚I am praying for you.‘ I hear it so often. ‚I am praying for you, Mr. President.‚ No one has inspired me more in my travels than the families of the United States military. Men and women who put their lives on the line every day for their country and their countrymen.

„I just came back yesterday from Dover Air Force Base to join the family of Chief William Ryan Owens as America’s fallen hero was returned home. Very, very sad, but very, very beautiful. Very, very beautiful. His family was there. Incredible family. Loved him so much. So devastated. He was so devastated. But the ceremony was amazing. He died in defense of our nation. He gave his life in defense of our people. Our debt to him and our debt to his family is eternal and everlasting. Greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends. We will never forget the men and women who wear the uniform. Believe me. 

„From generation to generation, their vigilance has kept our liberty alive. Our freedom is won by their sacrifice and our security has been earned with their sweat and blood and tears. God has blessed this land to give us such incredible heroes and patriots. They are very, very special, and we are going to take care of them. Our soldiers understand that what matters is not party or ideology or creed, but the bonds of loyalty that link us all together as one. America is a nation of believers. In towns all across our land it is plain to see what we easily forget — so easily we forget this — that the quality of our lives is not defined by our material success, but our spiritual success. I will tell you that. And I tell you that from somebody that has had material success and knows tremendous numbers of people with great material success — the most material success. Many of those people are very, very miserable, unhappy people. And I know a lot of people without that, but they have great families. They have great faith. They don’t have money — at least not nearly to the extent — and they are happy. Those, to me, are the successful people, I have to tell you.

„I was blessed to be raised in a churched home. My mother and father taught me that to whom much is given, much is expected. I was sworn in on the very bible from which my mother would teach as young children. And that faith lives on in my heart every single day. The people in this room come from many, many backgrounds. You represent so many religions and so many views. But we are all united by our faith in our creator and our firm knowledge that we are all equal in His eyes. We are not just flesh and bone and blood. We are human beings with souls.

Our republic was formed on the basis that freedom is not a gift from government, but that freedom is a gift from God.

„It was the great Thomas Jefferson who said the God who gave us life gave us liberty. Jefferson asked, ‚Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God?‘ Among those freedoms is the right to worship according to our own beliefs. That is why I will get rid and totally destroy the Johnson Amendment and allow our representatives of faith to speak freely and without fear of retribution. I will do that. Remember.

„Freedom of religion is a sacred right, but also a right under threat all around us and the world is under serious, serious threat in so many different ways. And I’ve never seen it so much and so openly since I took the position of president. The world is in trouble, but we are going to straighten it out. OK? That’s what I do. I fix things. We are going to straighten it out. Believe me. When you hear about the tough telephone calls I’m having, don’t worry about it. Just don’t worry about it. They’re tough. We have to be tough. It’s time we’re going to be a little tough, folks.

„We’re taken advantage of by every nation in the world, virtually. It’s not going to happen anymore. It’s not going to happen anymore. We have seen unimaginable violence carried out in the name of religion. Acts of wanton slaughter against religious minorities, horrors on a scale that defy description. Terrorism is a fundamental threat to religious freedom. It must be stopped, and it will be stopped. It may not be pretty for a little while. It will be stopped. We have seen … And by the way, General, as you know, James ‚Mad Dog‘ — shouldn’t say it in this room — Mattis. Now there’s a reason they call him Mad Dog Mattis. Never lost a battle. Always wins them and always wins them fast. He’s our new secretary of defense. Will be working with Rex. He’s right now in South Korea going to Japan going to some other spots. I’ve gotten to know him really well. He is the real deal. We have somebody who is the real deal working for us, and that is what we need. You watch. You just watch. Things will be different. We have seen peaceloving Muslims brutalized, victimized, murdered and oppressed by ISIS killers. We have seen threats of extermination against the Jewish people. We have seen a campaign of ISIS and genocide against Christians where they cut off heads. Not since the Middle Ages have we seen that. We haven’t seen that. The cutting off of heads. Now they cut off the heads. They drown people in steel cages. I haven’t seen this — nobody’s seen this — for many, many years.

„All nations have a moral obligation to speak out against such violence. All nations have a duty to work together to confront it, viciously, if we have to. So I want to express clearly today to the American people that my administration will do everything in its power to defend and protect religious liberty in our land. America must forever remain tolerant society where all faiths are respect and where all of our citizens can feel safe and secure. We have to feel safe and secure. In recent days, we have begun to take necessary action to achieve the goal. Our nation has the most generous immigration system in the world. But these are those and there are those that would exploit that generosity to undermine the values that we hold so dear. We need security. There are those who would seek to enter the country for the purpose of spreading violence or oppressing other people based upon their faith or their lifestyle. Not right.

„We will not allow a beachhead of intolerance to spread in our nation. You look all over the world and you see what’s happening. So in the coming days, we will develop a system to help ensure that those admitted into our country fully embrace our values of religious and personal liberty. And that they reject any form of oppression and discrimination. We want people to come into our nation. But we want people to love us and to love our values. Not to hate us and to hate our values. We will be a safe country. We will be a free country and we will be a country where all citizens can practice their beliefs without fear of hostility or fear of violence.

„America will flourish as long as our liberty and in particular our religious liberty is allowed to flourish. America will succeed as long as our most vulnerable citizens — and we have some that are so vulnerable — have a path to success. And America will thrive as long as we continue to have faith in each other and faith in God. That faith in God has inspired men and women to sacrifice for the needy, to deploy to wars overseas and to lock arms at home to ensure equal rights for every man, woman and child in our land. It is that faith that sent the pilgrims across oceans, the pioneers across the plains and the young people all across America to chase their dreams. They are chasing their dreams. We are going to bring those dreams back.

„As long as we have God, we are never, ever alone. Whether it is soldier on the night watch or the single parent on the night shift, God will always give us solace and strength and comfort. We need to carry on and to keep carrying on. For us here in Washington, we must never, ever stop asking God for the wisdom to serve the public according to His will. That is why President Eisenhower and Sen. Carlson had the wisdom to gather together 64 years ago to begin this truly great tradition. But that is not all they did together. Let me tell you the rest of the story. Just one year later, Sen. Carlson was among the members of Congress to send to the president’s desk a joint resolution that added ‚Under God‘ to our Pledge of Allegiance. It’s a great thing.

Because that is what we are and that is what we will always be and that is what our people want — one beautiful nation under God.

Thank you. God bless you. And God bless America. Thank you.“


President Donald Trump National Prayer Breakfast Speech